Friday, July 25, 2008

What Blew my Mind at E3.

This post was originally posted after the Electronic Entertainment Expo event, but due to some technical difficulties it is only being published as of now.

Alright, Jimmithen's back from summer hiatus bliss to cough up another foray into gamin' with the whole E3 biz. People can say what they will, E3 may be going downhill, but I gotta say, this year the show delivered, and no one delivered better than Microsoft. With a linup headlined by such titles as GoW2 (which actually impressed me, though not so much when Marcus and Dom talked, damn crappy dialogue), Fable 2, Resident Evil 5, and my personal favorite out of the fantastic 4 (did that on purpose, sorry guys), Fallout 3. Now, for the oldschools who played the originals, or one of the two, you can skip to the end of the article, because you already know what I'm talking about. To be continued in next post.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Far Cry 2 Video

It's not letting me embed the video so here's the youtube link.

Edit: It works now

What I'm playing: Halo 3, World of Warcraft, Starcraft

Games I'm into: Mirror's Edge, Farcry 2, Gears 2, Rock Band 2, (lots of 2's)