Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Battlefield: Heroes

Battlefield what? Isn't that that lame Team Fortress 2 Knock-off? Uh, no it's the most incredible and coolest game so far this year. And it has the music to go with it! A lot can be said (silently, I'm using a metaphor here) for the next installment of the Battlefield series, and probably it's popularity is on the list of what can be said. Right in between "Amazingly Awesome" and "Free". Still with me? Yeah, it's 100 % FREE. Go to their site, click the big button that says "Play Now" (it's yellow, bye the way) and let it download, then play. Yeah. But it's not out yet, so no big yellow button for me just yet. The beta is coming up I hear, so I'm gonna be in that if it's the last thing I do.

Still wondering what's so insanely cool about this game? Well, first of all, it's got that awesome cartoon style, (it IS a "cartoon shooter) it's all about balance and crazy things like 5 minute fire fights, you can sit on the wings of airplanes and blow yourself across the map with dynamite. *breath* This game is the most insane thing ever! Nothing is lethal, everything takes time to kill someone, this adds another layer of accessibility, and you can customize your character's everything! Well, everything appropriate anyway. I can't say anymore as I haven't even scratched the surface of this game, but I am giving you a video of it.

What I'm playing: Company of Heroes: Hard Market, Garry's Mod

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