You know when you get 5 bucks for mowing the lawn or some other normally abnormal thing that you usually never do for money? And then you think, gee, this would buy me an Xbox Marketplace arcade game, or a Steam game. So you're browsing, you find some little games that catch your interest, then you go back and look at them all, and they all seem to suck. All but one of them suck. But you didn't know that, did you? That's why you bought an insanely priced milk-shake instead. (Or you deposited it into your bank accout, but who does that?) Rewind! You're surfing the games and you find a game called Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved. Huh? Yep, you buy it and in five minutes you're playing it, and it's really hard and you can't even get past the third "target thing" flying at you till you die. This is exactly what I did. I bought it, I failed horrendously at it, and I gave it up. What a waste, eh?

Yesterday, I booted it up for no reason what so ever, and tried my mouse at it...and I got a stunning score of 86,250. (Approxomately 85, 950 more than my previous high score) That's cool right? Maybe that four dollars wasn't a waste after all. If fact, it turns out to be totally cool! The intense panick of your play screen filling with nifty green shapes that evade your lasers and crowd you is really thrilling! And totally intense! So many close calls and dissapointing defeats mixed with retro sound effects and amazing visuals makes this my casual game of 2007. Yeah, I know, I'm REALLY late, but if you didn't pick this game up the first time you saw it, pick it up now. I's only four dollars on Steam and (correct me if I'm wrong) five dollars on Xbox Live Market Place. Trust me, it's worth it. It sucks at first, but once you figure out that you can move around (yeah, I didn't know till last evening) it's truly amazing. And it's beautiful. That's about it!
GEOMETRY WARS: RETRO EVOLVED: 10/10Awarded for outstanding visuals, sound, and being a great arcade shooter-
Loshon's Casual Pick of the year. (So far)
What I'm playing:
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved, Company of HeroesGames I'm into: Mass Effect for PC, Mirror's Edge
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