Thursday, May 8, 2008

News, Changes, and some more Mirror's Edge love!

Okay, first, the posts that have been coming up on this blog are really blowing me away. They're Great Guys!! Also, be expecting to see a LOT of changes to this place in the next few weeks, as I will be fooling around with HTML. It it freaks out, my bad.
UPDATE: Sidebar is working well, I don't really thing that we should change it. Just reformat the videos and pictures.
And a BETTER Mirror's Edge video. Ha! This game does look pretty sweet, and I have set high expectations for it. Live up to them! Please! I also hope they let you jump off the edge, and explode in a fiery shower of gore all across the street! Here is what I HOPE will happen:

*falling* 10 seconds later......PLUGUPSHUG *gore everywhere* *develish laugh*

And, the vid!

Wow, that was troublesome to embed...hmm.

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