Sunday, May 18, 2008

Starcraft = Ecstasy

Starcraft. What can one say about such a game so old, yet so amazingly good. Starcraft is a futuristic sci-fi RTS involving 3 races all fighting for control, power, and survival. The Terran are the human race, comprised originally of a group of settlers launched hundreds of years ago from Earth in a cryogenetic sleep. The Zerg, an alien race comprised of many races of aliens all evolved over time into something useful for the Overmind, the being that controls them. And finally, the Protoss, an alien race that possesses powerful psionic abilities and very strong, but expensive units.
Each race is perfectly balaced with the others, but all 3 play very differently. This was a new concept for RTS's at the time it was released, and still few games have managed to match this concept with the quality that Blizzard did over a decade ago.
As you know, I've recently been entranced by Starcraft once again, and have finally taken to playing the campaign without cheats (I was such a cheater in my younger days). I have finished the Terran campaign, and am on the last mission for the Zerg. Why, you may ask, am I talking about a game that's so old? Because it's awesome. Also, Starcraft 2 has been announced and is coming out later in the year, hopefully. Also, I watched a couple professional Starcraft players from South Korea going at it for 5 minutes over the same expansion, and it was mind blowing. Koreans are insane at Starcraft, enough said.
Also, a couple games no one on this blog has mentioned need to be talked about. Ninja Gaiden 2 and Fable 2. Ninja Gaiden 1 for Xbox was a ridiculously hard game, but also extremely good. The second one looks to be amazing. Maybe I'll even beat this one =P. Fable 1 was a great game, but very short. Fable 2 should be awesome if they actually do everything they say they are going to do (one of my biggest quirks with the game industry at the moment). Speaking of which, I've been playing Bioshock on hard mode to get the Achievement. It's not hard, every time you die, you just respawn and go on about your business. Tsk, Tsk.

What I'm playing: Starcraft, Halo 3, Bioshock, GTA 4

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