Well, Steam has just updated their Steam Store to, in my opinion, look super stupid (in case you haven't noticed, everything is really block-y, small, and confusing. The one good thing is that Company of Heroes has made it to the top rated list. Yay for it! Enough PC talk for now though.
Okay. Gears of War 2. GOW2. Do you call is GOW, or is it just GW? Huh. Anyways, Gears of war two is scheduled to release in month numero eleven this year,(on the 15th, nerd) and the very first gameplay video is coming out on 1up EXCLUSIVELY tonight at 10:30 PM PST. (precisely 9 hours, 34 mins, and 26 seconds from when I am typing this) You can find the count down HERE. I think, that they should let everyone get it like 3 mins. before, so they can load it, and THEN let everyone play it. That would work great! So everyone get your Poped Corn and your chainsaw squirt gun on your office chair and watch Gears of War 2: The Nemesis Chronicles. Not really. But it's gonna be fun!
After watching the Mirror's Edge SCEE video almost 30 freaking times I feel like I will die for this game! It really does look like one of the most amazing games ever. If anyone read about the game on the 'ol Games for Windows print magazine exclusive, you can, in theory do every move in the beginning of the game, you just haven't learned how yet. If you knew how, you could, so just fooling around in the first half of the game should get you some really awesome stunts to use in your running job. If you haven't heard, you're a runner (I forget the character name) for some kind of shady organization in this super cool city. Running from rooftop to rooftop delivering messages and speeding around, past, and on top of guards. If you grab a gun, you can't move as fast, jump as far, or do anything, unless it's a light weapon such as a pistol or sidearm. Play this as a shooter or as a First Person Jumper, (FPJ) it's gonna be an awesomely unique experience.
There has been a rumor that it is not coming out on PC or PS3, only the 360. SMITE THOSE MORONS! That's not true!! If it was....well, I'll just say that Dice would find an angry world of PC gamers at their doorstep. I'm gonna keep it at that. I got a super cool sig of ME, so everyone can have it!

What I'm playing: Day of Defeat: Source (15 hours of it) The Orange Box, Company of Heroes, Trackmania Nations: Forever, and Saga.....Uggg.
1 comment:
Her name is Faith, man. Faith.
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